- We need some parents to help us on a proposed small room trip to Vauxhall City farm on 12 th July in the morning returning to nursery about 2 p.m.
- Please let me know if your child is not in next week.
- Emma’s leaving do is on Friday July 8th from 3.30p.m. Justyna’s last day is on Friday 24th June, before she starts her maternity leave. Joy is taking collections for both staff, if you would like to contribute.
Projects this week:
Small Room: more Going On A Bear Hunt play. Sensory messy play every day.
Big Room: lots of work on transition to school. Also exploring our bugs and tadpoles. Lots of Big Gym play. Both rooms; lots of outdoor play. We are eating outside most days too.
MONDAY- No Da Capo today. Soft play for small room and some of big room.
TUES – Special Time sessions. This is small group work for specified children.
WED- Lucy in for dance session.
THURS- Da Capo music session today in the afternoon. Management committee meeting 7p.m.
FRIDAY- Small room outing to Little Angel Theatre leaving at 9.30. Return about 1p.m. for a late lunch.
The volunteer form for the fete is up on the parents’ notice board in the foyer area. We also need people to help beforehand; baking cakes, agreeing to prepare salads for the Barbie, cleaning and getting the Barbie ready, giving out posters and leaflets etc; PLEASE SIGN UP.
It would be great if any parents can help for just a few hours on Saturday 18th or Sunday 19th June, when the nursery is open for Open Gardens weekend event. The sign up form is on the front door.