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Fees rise letter from m.c.

23 June 2016


Ref Nursery fees


Dear Parent(s),


The MC have made the difficult decision to raise fees with effect from September 2016. This has been done fairly and in response to a number of circumstances:


– A £43,000.00 per year cut to our grant from Camden dating from April 2016. There is now no grant paid to the nursery.

– The pending auto-enrolment pension changes from government which oblige us to make pension contributions on top of salaries. From January 2017.


As you know – like our competitors – our fees are banded, increasing with income. This ensures that our children have friends from the widest spectrum of backgrounds and supports the shared ambition to keep Collingham Gardens a “community nursery”. Despite providing Ofsted Outstanding education and in our enviable forest setting, our fees had fallen behind our competitors, most markedly at the upper fee bands. The 2016-17 fees now broadly match the local 2015-16 market rates so are still likely to remain lower than other local nurseries once they have undertaken their own annual fee reviews.


Another change is that we will now expect all parents to annually submit evidence of income. This will be seen by the nursery manager only.


On behalf of the M.C. I’ll be very happy to discuss any concerns and equally Katherine will continue to consider requests for hardship adjustments in the future. In the year ahead the MC will review this adjusted income to allocate a more realistic maintenance and contingency buffer and as a context in which to review staff salaries which have suffered relative to the cost of living. I attach a copy of the new fees which will apply from September 2017.




Philip Graham

Chair of Management Committee