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Daily nursery timetable

nursery 6


9.00-9.45 Children arrive and play with activities set up by adults, or choose their own activities from easily accessible toys. In the creative area, children are allowed to choose their own materials from the paints, boxes, papers, chalks etc; that are available. There is opportunity for parents to chat to their child’s ‘key person’.

10.00 Snack time. Water is available throughout the day, but this is a time for children to gather in their groups and follow an adult-led activity as well as having a light snack (fruit/raw vegetables and crackers and drink. This might be singing, rhymes, discussion of the days activities or each child’s home life. It is an opportunity for each child to communicate, and develop relationships, with their peers and key person ina supportive environment.

10.15 onwards Free play, and an activity led by the key person. Usually half the older group go outside for over an hours play and adult-led activities, while the others stay inside. They swap later on to ensure each child has the opportunity to play in the large garden area. The small room (of younger children) usually go out together. Often in the warmer months the adult led activity may be outside.

Typical activities will be: a music session, creative art, role play, construction play, science experiments, cooking, physical activities (group sports, dance), reading, gardening, nature observation.

11.30 Prepare for lunch. Children help to tidy up and set up for lunch, putting out their own rest mats and bedding for afterwards, and setting the table with name cards, as well as counting the amount of crockery and cutlery needed.

11.50 Lunch. An opportunity for children to share a social event, to learn about a healthy diet and trying new foods, and to use cutlery and pour drinks etc. The menu is devised to appeal to young children but also to be healthy and offer all the major food groups. The cook prepares the fresh food, with an emphasis on fruit and vegetables, on site each day.

12.30 The younger children have a nap for an hour or so, while the older children rest or read for half an hour. This time is useful for children to re-charge their batteries and to think about their morning’s play. The adults tidy up the lunch area, and set up activities for the afternoon, and record each child’s earlier activities on the play plan (available for parents to view in the foyer).

1.00 The older children put away their rest mats and play. This is still a quiet time. The adults in the room often take small or one-to-one groups at this time, and lead a structured activity e.g cooking, board games, or a design and construction activity.

2.00 The children go out for activities in the garden. We have a vegetable growing area, and various log piles and bird feeders to encourage wildlife. There are two sand pits and a large digging area where mud pies can be made. We also have lots of equipment for children to create their own obstacle courses and dens, and develop dexterity and stamina using bikes, balls, ropes, trolleys, climbing trees, etc.

3.00 Snack time. The children come together to share a drink and light snack, usually fruit and crackers. Again this is an opportunity for children to form relationships with their peers. They often talk about what they can do the following day. Often snack is eaten in the garden.

3.15 Children return to play activities both inside and out. Toys are slowly cleared away. This part of the day is often used for singing, dancing, group art or movement sessions. Children also access the computer for simple games. There is reading or story-telling to the group. From 4pm the children start to leave. Messages are passed to parents. There is further opportunity for parents to chat to their child’s key person.

5.00 The nursery closes.