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Nursery activities

- Vegetable growing.
- Observing and watching the wildlife – and providing food and habitats for them.
- Designing and constructing obstacle courses.
- Climbing trees.
- Using the tree house and tents and making dens.
- Exploring the digging patch through making mud pies, planting and digging.
- Playing with trollies, wheelbarrows, balls, balance bikes and hoops.

- Reading books – in groups and one to one.
- Mark making – drawing and early writing.
- Cooking
- Dance daily with staff – once weekly a dance session led by a professional dancer.
- Music daily – and weekly a Da Capo Music teacher visits the big room.
- Water play – discovering volume, capacity, pouring, sinking and floating, bubbles, temperature, etc.
- Sand play – wet and dry, weights, moulding.
- Playdough: making objects, pretend cooking, exploring differing textures, making the dough.
- Sorting toys, jigsaws, board games – introducing numbers and sets, classifying.
- Role play – home corner, dens, dolls house, animals and small world toys.
- Art activities – painting, modelling, junk modelling, drawing, chalking – all on tables, the floor or outdoors.